07 February 2015

TV picks for Feb. 7-8:  "The Jinx,” "British Academy Awards,” "Casablanca”

The interview
HBO doesn’t usually turn over its Sunday prime-time schedule to a documentary series, but “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst” is as riveting as most fictionalized dramas. Filmmaker Andrew Jarecki grills brilliant billionaire Durst, who is either a mass murderer or the unluckiest man alive. 7 p.m. Sunday, HBO

Get Fry’s with that
The conveyor belt of awards shows continues with “The EE British Academy Awards,” with “The Grand Budapest Hotel” leading all contenders with 11 nominations. Even if you don’t care about the films, watch longtime host Stephen Fry in action and wonder aloud why he’s not a bigger name in the United States. 7 p.m. Sunday, BBC America

Play it again, Sam
The “here’s looking at you, kid” sketch on “Saturday Night Live” featuring J.K. Simmons and Kate McKinnon didn’t feel old at all, even though it was spoofing a movie that was made more than 60 years. Appreciate the timeless nature of “Casablanca” all over again. 9 p.m. Sunday, TCM

Neal Justin

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