16 February 2015

Italian coast guard in massive rescue operation of at least 1,000 boat migrants travelling from North Africa

Migrants wait to disembark from a tug boat after being rescued in the Pozzallo harbor, Sicily, Italy
Migrants wait to disembark from a tug boat after being rescued in the Pozzallo harbor, Sicily, Italy
Better weather since last week has encouraged migrants to make the perilous journey from North Africa
Italy's coast guard went to the rescue of at least 1,000 migrants in difficulty in the sea between Europe and North Africa on Sunday, the third operation of its kind in as many days.
The coast guard said it had plucked more than 130 people from two rubber boats about 110 miles south of the island of Lampedusa so far, and was working to save eight more vessels.
"We are certainly at more than 1,000 migrants" involved in Sunday's rescue operation, a spokesman for the coast guard in Rome told Reuters.
Better weather since last week has encouraged migrants to make the perilous journey from North Africa, where a breakdown of order in Libya has made it almost impossible to police the traffickers who pack people onto rickety boats.
More than 300 people died last week trying to make the crossing, which claimed 3,500 lives last year even before Italy closed its Mare Nostrum search and rescue mission in December.
The coast guard ship Fiorillo and several cutters were sent to the latest rescue, along with four merchant ships and two tug boats which were diverted to join the operation. One navy ship, two police patrol ships and a Maltese vessel had also been mobilised, the coast guard spokesman said.

Original post found here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/italian-coast-guard-in-massive-rescue-operation-of-at-least-1000-boat-migrants-travelling-from-north-africa-10047607.html

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